Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Comparing the Two Versions of To Build a Fire

Comparing the Two Versions of To Build a Fire nbsp; I am absolutely confident that beyond the motif itself, there is no similarity of treatment whatever (544). Jack London, writing in December 1908, was responding to an inquiry from the Richard W. Gilder, editor of Century Magazine. Gilder, having just published To Build a Fire in his magazine, was worried when he came across another version published 6 years earlier. Londons explanation was that the first story was for boys and the new one was for men; the only similarity being the motif itself. Through careful analysis of the two stories, in light of this letter to Gilder, and another letter to Cloudesly Johns, it is apparent that although London claims no similarities†¦show more content†¦This ending more clearly illustrates the dangers of the Klondike. The first version is more a morality tale, ending with the moral of Never travel alone! (62). The second version is more of a good short story, with the ending that is, regrettably, all too common in that part of the world. The main character never gets a chance to change his ways and travel with a companion the proverbial next time. He learns the lesson with the most severest of consequences: death. Another interesting difference is the fact that in the 1902 version the main character is Tom Vincent; however in the second version, the man has no name. This gives the main character in the 1908 version a feeling of universality. nbsp; In 1900, before either of these two stories was published, Jack London wrote a letter to a good friend, Cloudesly Johns, explaining his philosophy on good fiction writing. This letter is an invaluable resource when studying the work of Jack London, especially when comparing the two versions of To Build a Fire. London emphasized quite a bit in this letter with many exclamation points and capital letters. That was only because of the passion with which he was writing about writing. His main point was to not be to scientific, or empirically (530) scientific. He explains not to tell the reader what your philosophy is, but rather to have the characters tell it by their deeds, actions, talk, etc. (531). He then moves on to talk about atmosphere, andShow MoreRelated Comparing Washington Irvings Sleepy Hollow the Movie to the Book1420 Words   |  6 PagesComparing Washington Irvings Sleepy Hollow the Movie to the Book ?The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? is a short story by Washington Irving. Based on a well-known legend, this story tells the tale of the disappearance of the main character, Ichabod Crane. An effective ghost story, Irving leaves you guessing what the truth is behind the ending. The movie Sleepy Hollow is Hollywood?s portrayal of Irving?s original story. 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