Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effect of Cigarette Smoking Essay - 2834 Words

7HW019 Health Protection and Health Improvement Postgraduate Block 2 2011/12 Student Name: ILONZO MBANEFO CHIBUZOR Student Number: 1120352 Assessment 1 Feedback Overall Marking Criteria | A | B | C | D | E | F | Ability to synthesise and evaluate current evidence on a specified public health topic is demonstrated | | | | | | | Demonstration of sound understanding of the nature and scope of the public health topic | | | | | | | Demonstration of critical understanding of theoretical approaches and models used to tackle complex public health problems | | | | | | | Information is correct and clearly reported | | | | | | | Work is clearly presented with few grammatical and spelling†¦show more content†¦Bearing in mind the potentially devastating impact of tobacco smoking on the health of the population and the epidemic levels seen in Europe, this is a public health challenge and should be addressed as such. Evaluation of current evidences Ill health doesn’t happen by chance or through bad luck, but it is highly attributed to the complex interplay between various determinants of health (Naidoo, and Wills, 2000), therefore, in order to study this risk behavior, it is important to study its variation in trends among the various geographical regions within the country. Epidemiological studies done among adults population in North-East Nigeria has linked tobacco smoking with male gender, age and low socio- economic status which comprised of the income, educational status and occupational class of the population (Desalu et al, 2008). There are underlying factors which may encourage the display of such risky behavior. These include peer pressure, the need for social acceptance and pleasure. Poverty and illiteracy are constant findings observed among these affected population. There is scanty knowledge about the health implications of tobacco smoking and also poor access to health facilities where advice on tobacco smoking may be easily derived. Most smokers see tobacco smoking as a coping mechanism against stress and anxiety (Desalu etShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Cigarette Smoking Essay711 Words   |  3 PagesIs cigarette smoke affecting the environment? Do people have problems from the smokers? Does cigarette smoking affect the public places? A lot of questions come to mind about cigarette smoking because cigarette smoking is a serious issue which should be discussed. Anyone can easily think about the health issues from cigarette smoking. Everyone knows that cigarette smoking is bad, and smoking hurts the human b ody in different ways either smoker or non-smoker. 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