Sunday, December 29, 2019

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay - 991 Words

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein The book Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelly in 1816. The book took one year to complete. This novel was written when Mary Shelly was on her journey in Switzerland. Mary Shelly and her friends wrote a novel to see whose the most terrifying ghost story is. This novel is mainly based on victor Frankenstein the scientist, who had always wanted to create a human. After 2 years of hard work, he had finally finished making the human, but it turned out that victor Frankenstein had created a monster instead of a human. He left it and ran off. When coming back after a few days the monster was nowhere to be found and victor assumed it had gone forever. Victor†¦show more content†¦He is a keen person. Victor becomes secretive about his work because he doesnt want anyone to find out what he is up to for the reason that the news will end up to his family which he did not want. Victor became ill after creating the monster. This is because he released with horror what he created. Before victor formed life, he was happy and looking forward to his creation but subsequently he lost control because he got scared of what he had produced. I was encouraged to hope my present attempts would at least lay the foundation of future success. Victor thinks he could create a human due to his present success in bringing a dead frog to life and was determined to find out if he could create a human. When victor had created a human that ended up becoming a monster he had many regrets, he says, I have worked for two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life in to an in animated body. Victor thinks bringing this monster to life was a waste of time. He also could not endure the aspects of the being he had created. In order to look at Mary Shellys skill as a writer I am going to focus on the opening of chapter 5. In particular, I am going to focus on the two bits of the opening of chapter 5 to show how Mary shelly builds up horror byShow MoreRelatedMary Shelleys Frankenstein1689 Words   |  7 PagesGreat Expectations Fathers and Son, Frankenstein. The novel I have chosen to discuss is Frankenstein. Written in 1818 by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein is classified as a gothic novel, however, Shelly uses both realist and non-realist techniques. I will be looking at her reasons for writing the novel and what influenced her, as well as the realist and non-realist techniques used. I will be looking at some of the contemporary social issues that affected Shelley’s life at the time she wrote her novelRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein1179 Words   |  5 Pagesbecome determined to perfect at what they do. They eventually become tragically doomed through creating their own individual moral codes by struggling with their internal battles within their minds. Mary Shelley presents us the first persona of a romantic hero through Victor Frankenstein in her book Frankenstein. Shelley fabricates Victor as the main narrator throughout the book, along with Captain Walton and the creature, which Victor creates. Another hero during the Romant ic era is the Ancient MarinerRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein Feminism1429 Words   |  6 PagesRobert Youshock Prof. Matthew Gerber HIST 1012 10/19/18 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Feminism before it was mainstream? Writing a paper on the topic of Frankenstein days before Halloween might give you the wrong idea- lets clear something up straight away Frankenstein is the doctor not the monster and the monster doesn’t have a name (which we later learn is mildly important to the story). You see, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is arguably a story of creation, murder, love, and learning amongst manyRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay929 Words   |  4 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein The characterization of Victor’s creature, the monster, in the movie although somewhat dramatically different from Mary Shelley’s portrayal in the novel Frankenstein also had its similarities. Shelley’s views of the monster were to make him seem like a human being, while the movie made the monster out to be a hideous creation. The creature’s appearance and personality are two aspects that differ between the novel and movie while his intellectual and tender sidesRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay1312 Words   |  6 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein In order to illustrate the main theme of her novel â€Å"Frankenstein†, Mary Shelly draws strongly on the myth of Prometheus, as the subtitle The Modern Prometheus indicates. Maurice Hindle, in his critical study of the novel, suggests, â€Å"the primary theme of Frankenstein is what happens to human sympathies and relationships when men seek obsessively to satisfy their Promethean longings to â€Å"conquer the unknown† - supposedly in the service of their fellow-humans†. ThisRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay1622 Words   |  7 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein Nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley didn’t know when she began it that her â€Å"ghost story† would become an enduring part of classic literature. Frankenstein is an admirable work simply for its captivating plot. To the careful reader, however, Shelley’s tale offers complex insights into human experience. The reader identifies with all of the major characters and is left to heed or ignore the cautions that their situations provide. Shelley uses the second person narrativeRead MoreEssay on Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1643 Words   |  7 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein In 1818 a novel was written that tingled people’s minds and thrilled literary critics alike. Frankenstein was an instant success and sold more copies than any book had before. The immediate success of the book can be attributed to the spine-tingling horror of the plot, and the strong embedded ethical message. Although her name did not come originally attached to the text, Mary Shelley had written a masterpiece that would live on for centuries. Read MoreEvil in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1462 Words   |  6 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein is very much a commentary on the Enlightenment and its failure to tame the human condition through reason. The human condition can be defined as the unique features which mold a human being. The creature is undoubtedly a victim of this predicament. He grapples with the meaning of life, the search for gratification, the sense of curiosity, the inevitability of isolation, and the awareness of the inescapability of death. These qualities and his ceaseless stalking of hisRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay1086 Words   |  5 Pages Mary Shelley wrote the book Frankenstein sometime in the 1810s. She was born in London in 1797 (Biography). Her mother was an author of prime literary stock who was trying to encourage women to pursue their ideas and strive to earn the status as equals. The Scientific and Industrial Revolutions that were taking place around Mary Shelley certainly influ enced her while she was writing the book. The creation of machines and experiments at the time made people wonder what the limit of human technologyRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay846 Words   |  4 Pages Shelley’s Frankenstein does an excellent job at demonstrating the ideas and accomplishments of the enlightenment period. Shelly expresses these ideas and thoughts through the character of Victor Frankenstein who is an aspiring scientist seeking an intellectual challenge. Victor Frankenstein live s his hometown of Geneva and leaves in quest of a valued education in Ingolstadt. When Victor arrives at college he is lonely and finds himself in a new world in which he lives by himself. He than meets

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Effectiveness Of A Control Experiment - 1397 Words

Hypothesis: It is an expectation that is made based on limited information that explains what may happen in the experiment or trial. For instance, when a scientist expects a hypothesis they are obliged to make a prediction of what will happen due to what variable and give a justification. 1) Reliability: This is the general consistency of measure. At the point when researcher gathers information they need to make sure that the information they collect is reliable by repeating test numerous time or else the results can be false or inaccurate. Additionally it is important so that when another scientist repeats the experiment or test they hold similar results.2) Validity: its means that our results represent what we were trying to prove.10)†¦show more content†¦This takes out any one-sided suppositions and data.5) Concordant data: This is information that is like one or more attributes. In the data you collect is concordant it mean that is reliable and valid as the results will be fairly close one another additionally there will be no exceptions.6) Informed consent: Is the permission which is normally given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.7) Ethics committee: They are the group of people whose point is to consider and advise on ethical issues that arise within education and research and they are typically scientists and philosophers. They discuss the right of animals and state if they can be used as a part of gathering experimental information for example rats being used for testing new medications8). Scientific method: This is a regulated procedure that scientist use to collect accurate and consistent data to help discover or explain and support the hypothesis9). Scientific method is a way of answering scientific hypothesis by doing experiments and making observations. There are four main steps; first it s the observation stage, second is the point at which you make the hypothesis, third is the step for carrying out

Friday, December 13, 2019

Free Economics Dissertation Topics Free Essays

1.0. Introduction The aim of this guide is to assist in selecting an Economics dissertation topic and to provide practical advice on how to go about writing a dissertation. We will write a custom essay sample on Free Economics Dissertation Topics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Economics dissertations incorporate numerous topics covering various aspects of the two main branches of the subject: macroeconomics, which focuses on national or aggregate economy concerning issues of inflation, unemployment and business cycle. On the other hand microeconomics concentrates on markets and issues such as pricing, industry concentration and labour employment. Typically, writing an economics dissertation involves questions such as how to report the features of the design and how to adequately report research results. Consequently, the latter part of the guide serves as a handy reference source to navigate the writer through the process. 2.0. Categories and dissertation titles 2.1. Macroeconomics 2.1.1. An investigation into the demographic dominance of youth unemployment in South Africa. A quantitative study 2.1.2. Is the imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe to be blamed for hyperinflationA critical review of the current literature 2.1.3. Assessing the plausibility of GDP as a proxy indicator of human development and well-being. An exploration of complementary indicators to the GDP metric 2.1.4. Analysing the adequacies of income/consumption patterns as a national measurement for poverty. A study of Uganda 2.1.5. An investigation into the impact of low interest rates on conventional savings. Has low UK interest rates discouraged savings? 2.2. Microeconomics 2.2.1. The impact of price elasticity on demand for Fair trade products. Determining UK consumer preparedness to pay more for Fair Trade products than conventional substitutes 2.2.2. Identifying appropriate poverty alleviation measures for Haiti. An applied general equilibrium approach 2.2.3. An assessment of the correlation between information asymmetry and corporate governance structure. A case of firm performance in Botswana 2.2.4. A review of the regulatory environment in Ireland. Regulatory failure and the Irish banking crisis 2.2.5. Internal devaluation to quantify Eurozone imbalances: A study of fiscal devaluation as a solution for the Greek financial crisis 2.3. Development Economics 2.3.1. Investigations into IMF debt sustainability framework for low-income countries. The Implications of defining debt in terms of ability to pay 2.3.2. The impact of climate change on economic development. How have frequent cyclones and floods impeded economic development in Bangladesh? 2.3.3. An empirical analysis of private-sector driven economic growth and poverty alleviation in Zambia 2.3.4. An assessment of foreign direct investment as an enabler of economic growth in Malawi. The Opportunities and challenges 2.3.5. Foreign aid and economic development in Mozambique. An empirical study correlating aid with economic growth 2.4. Economic Policy 2.4.1. Readdressing regional economic imbalances. Rebalancing England’s North/South divide with regional growth fund policy measures 2.4.2. An examination of the extent of convergence in the Eurozone as reflected in membership state differentiations in inflation and output growths. The implications of the single monetary policy and national economic policies of member-states 2.4.3. How viable is the achievement of macroeconomic convergence in African countries for the African Monetary Cooperation Program objective to accomplish collective policy measures for a harmonised monetary system? 2.4.4. Conceiving supportive economic policy measures for demographic transition patterns in the UK. Legislating for growing old age dependency 2.4.5. An assessment of inflation targeting and economic policy in Argentina. Formulating and promoting a macroeconomic framework 2.5. International Trade 2.5.1. An examination of the influence exerted by post –apartheid South African trade policy on the composition and aggregate growth of trade. An empirical study 2.5.2. A study of international trade in Sub-Saharan Africa. Examining the consequences of globalisation 2.5.3. An analysis of the impact of trade liberalisation and trade performance. The application of import and export demand models in the Turkish economic context 2.5.4. Exposing and overcoming corrupt exploitation of natural resources in international trade systems of the Democratic Republic of Congo. A review of the current literature 2.5.5. An examination of the challenges and opportunities of international trade in the agricultural sector of developing countries: The Jamaican banana production and export market 3. How to Structure an Economics Dissertation, Tips For details on how to structure your economics dissertation, kindly check out the following post: How to Structure a dissertation (chapters) How to structure a dissertation (chapters and subchapters) How to structure a dissertation research proposal How to cite Free Economics Dissertation Topics, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Man For All Seasons Critical Essay Example For Students

A Man For All Seasons Critical Essay Common AttitudeIm breathing. Are you breathing too? Its nice, isnt it. It isnt difficult to keep alive, friendsjust dont make troubleor if you make trouble, make the sort of trouble thats expected. Well, I dont need to tell you that. Good night: If we should bump into one another, recognize me. (p. 94-95) The common mans words are true not only to the time of Thomas More, but as well throughout history. Many in the world today follow the same philosophy that the common man states at the end of the play. Most people would rather avoid the troubles caused by being an individual. However, there are a few, such as Thomas More, who follow their conscience, who are willing to take on the extra stresses that come with being ones own person. The statement made by the common man, although practiced by many in the world today, is the wrong way to think. The man says to survive in the world one must leave behind their morals, and to forget their conscience. While this may lead to temporary happiness in life, it may lead to eternal punishment after death. In the modern world, this philosophy is still the best way to go for some. Today, another teen-ager is abusing an illegal drug because everyone else is doing it. If the teen does the drug, then his personal life will be better because he has gained more friends. Even though he knows that it is illegal and thus, morally wrong, he takes the easiest route, and goes with the flow. Thomas More is an extraordinary man, because instead of giving in to the pressures of the King of England and even the entire country, he followed his conscience. Thomas is damned on earth due to his faith, but for following his conscience, and doing what he truly believed to be right, he will have eternal happiness in the afterlife. If only everyone realized this, and had the smallest concept of what eternity close to God meant, then they would suffer the hardships on earth, and stand firm in their beliefs. The common man asks to be recognized. A definition of recognize is to acknowledge. In saying recognize me, the common man may be asking for one to take note and remember what he has said. The statement made is an important one, and in saying recognize me, he makes sure that his point has gotten into the mind of the listener (or reader).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Project Investments in Unilever Company

The choice of a product or service that an entrepreneur wishes to invest in is an important factor to consider before bringing it to the market. Any investment project chosen should produce returns to benefit all stakeholders and other interested parties that the project affects directly or indirectly.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Project Investments in Unilever Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper utilizes axe anarchy fragrance for women, a new product that Unilever Company has launched on the market, as a case product in a bid to show the financial implication or consideration that the case company made before investing in the product. Unilever is a big corporation that deals with production or manufacture of many kinds of household products. Axe anarchy is the latest innovation or rather new product that the company has launched on its market (Unilever PLV, 2012, Para. 3). This product is ther efore financed by the company. The company has put in place enough funds that are used to innovate and manufacture new products on the market. The company is quoted in the securities exchange market as exemplary in terms of the quality of its products. Some of its finances come from the owners of the business who are the shareholders. Because of the high amount of money the company receives from its shareholders, it is able to carry out various innovations besides venturing in the production of multiple types of products. Unilever PLV therefore generates its funds through the sale of shares to its investors, a process known as equity funding (Unilever PLV, 2011, p. 15). This form of acquiring fund is advantageous because investors who buy the shares are not entitled to any interest. Bondholders, on the other hand, require that interest be paid to them. Therefore, this method allows the company to access capital for use to produce and market its products. The investors are only entit led to profits and losses in equal measures. Hence, the method does not have any impact to the company. Another advantage that the company will accrue from this form of financing is that there is no collateral required for this type of investment. Furthermore, the company is only obliged to pay dividends on the earnings that it makes. This therefore protects the company from any court proceedings or accusations when the company fails to make profits on the products.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, the business is not faced with a threat of collapse, as it can come up with other strategies to ensure survival. Furthermore, investing or financing this project through shared capital makes the company have a full control of the funds. The company is able to keep the funds indefinitely without being asked by the investors (Safania, Nagaraju Roohi, 2011 p.78). Furthermo re, the company has an opportunity to make decisions on whether to invest in the product or not. The decision is solely based on the management of the company that has been given the responsibility to carry out managerial decisions on the behavior of the shareholders if they help in the growth of the company besides helping further in accruing of more profits for the organization. Production of new products or services requires the organization to carry out a clear calculation on the total cost of producing the new product or service to ensure that it gets some profits after the product is sold. In this case, Unilever PLC Company will be required to analyze each investment components of producing axe anarchy fragrance for women to the moment it is sold. Therefore, various factors will be put into consideration. One of the investment components of producing this new product is the cost of producing or purchasing raw materials that are required for the manufacturing of the product. Th e cost of transportation of raw material to the company for production, as well as distribution to the suppliers and retailers should be factored in the company’s marketing strategies. The cost of paying salaries to the employees who ensure that the product is manufactured or converted from its raw materials to the time it reaches the consumers should also be provided. Logistic costs are also paramount and worth considering such as storage costs and administration costs among other costs. It is also important to consider the costs related to government taxes. Other costs include marketing. For the product to reach a wide market to attract high sales, the company needs to invest heavily on its marketing strategies. Media must be used to reach a wide audience coverage including television ads, billboards, internet, social media, and traditional forms such as print media among many other mediums. All these costs should be calculated and the right figure known to help the company in determining its price that should be competitive in the market to enable many customers to use the products. The product should also be of high quality to suit the target audience i.e. Young boys and girls.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Project Investments in Unilever Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More By breaking this cost down, the company will also be able to know the amount of money that it has invested in the new product, as this will enable it to have a clear estimate or projection of the profits that it is likely to accrue from the sale of the product. Furthermore, this analysis is vital is enabling the company to either progress with production of the product or not. For instance, if the cost of production is very high and surpasses the income level of the target audience or customer, it will not be viable for the company to produce such a product. The company can as well seek an alternative source of funding that costs less. In this case, the best option that the company can source its funds is through debt financing. This refers to borrowing of funds in the form of loans that are repaid over a certain period. The company can decide to borrow funds over a short term-less than one year- or a long-term scheme, which extends to more than one year. The major sources that the company can seek for these funds are from government agencies or banks that provide loans with a certain percentage of interest. This option of sourcing for finances has a number of benefits. For instance, the interest that is paid on the loan is deductible. Therefore, the company will benefit from tax advantage. In addition, the company will be able to retain its ownership. The lender of the money, whether financial institution or government agencies, cannot get or receive ownership of the company. Furthermore, lenders cannot claim any future profits or revenues of the company, as the lender will only be given the principle loan plus the interest as agreed between the lender and the party. It is also easy to raise funds using debt financing because it does not require the company or the borrower to comply with the federal or state securities’ regulations. Debt financing is also a very good method of sourcing for funds because a company is able to establish good relationships with the lenders. Hence, it can secure future financial assistance of a short and or a long-term financial health in time of need (Mitton, 2008, p.27). Ensuring that the history of a company is conducive for borrowing, the company is required to ensure that there is balance between the debt and equity ratio. The company must also demonstrate that it can be able to repay the loan within the stipulated duration to time. Furthermore, the company can source its funds from debt financing because it enables the company to have freedom in terms of its financials.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This helps the company to invest in projects or products that it feels can boost its profits. Axe anarchy fragrance for women is such a product. It therefore allows the company the discretion to make its own strategic decisions that can help to promote or stir economic growth of the company. Therefore, the company can opt for this form of sourcing its fund as an alternative method. The debt equity method of sourcing for funds is one of the cheapest and affordable methods that will enable the company to meet its needs including meeting costs of production and marketing of the products. In conclusion, finding the right source of funds for the Unilever Company can influence its operation positively when it comes to investing in new products or services. The paper has used axe anarchy fragrance for women as a case product from the company. Therefore, the use of equity financing whereby the company sells its shares is one of the appropriate sources of funds that Unilever used to seek fun ds and promote this product. Various investment components are however important in helping business decide whether to invest in a project or not. An alternative source of funds that can be used as an alternative is debt financing because it costs less to the company. Reference List Mitton, T. (2008). Why Have Debt Ratios Increased for Firms in Emerging Markets?. European Financial Management 14(1), 127-151. Safania, S., Nagaraju, B., Roohi, M. (2011). Relationship between Long Term Debt- to-Equity ratio and Share Price — a study on NSE, INDIA (2007-2010). International Journal of Business Management Economic Research, 2(4), 278- 283. Unilever PLV (2011). Financial Statement. Web. Unilever PLV. (2012). Latest from out brands: Axes launches its first fragrance for women. Web. This essay on Project Investments in Unilever Company was written and submitted by user Kallie Riggs to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Figures of Quantity. Figures of Quality. Figures of Contrast Essays

Figures of Quantity. Figures of Quality. Figures of Contrast Essays Figures of Quantity. Figures of Quality. Figures of Contrast Essay Figures of Quantity. Figures of Quality. Figures of Contrast Essay which is a case of metonymy, once original, but due to long use, no more accepted as a fresh SD. My brass will call your brass, says one of the characters of A. Haileys Airport to another, meaning My boss will call your boss. The transference of names is caused by both bosses being officers, wearing uniform caps with brass cockades. The scope of transference in metonymy is much more limited than that of metaphor, which is quite understandable: the scope of human imagination identifying two objects (phenomena, actions) on the grounds of commonness of one of their innumerable characteristics is boundless while actual relations between objects are more limited. : This is why metonymy, on the whole,- is a less frequently observed SD, than metaphor. Similar to singling out one particular type of metaphor into the self-contained SD of personification, one type of metonymy namely, the one, which is based on the relations between a part and the whole is often viewed independently as synecdoche. As a rule, metonymy is expressed by nouns (less frequently by substantivized numerals) and is used in syntactical functions characteristic of nouns (subject, object, predicative). Exercise II. Indicate metonymies, state the type of relations between the object named and the bject implied, which they represent, lso pay attention to the degree of their originality, and to their syntactical function: 1. He went about her room, after his introduction, looking at her pictures, her bronzes and clays, asking after the creator of this, the painter of that, where a third thing came from. (Dr. ) 2. She wanted to have a lot of children, and she was glad that things were that way, that the Church approved. Then the little girl died. Nancy broke with Rome the day her baby died. It was a secret break, but no Catholic breaks with Rome casually. (J. OH. 3. Evelyn Glasgow, get up out of that chair this minute. The girl looked up from her book. Whats the matter? Your satin. The skirtll be a mass of wrinkles in the back. (E. F. ) 4. Except for a lack of youth, the guests had no common theme, they seemed strangers among strangers; indeed, each face, on entering, had straggled to conceal dismay at seeing others there. (T. C. ) 5. She saw around her, clustered about the white tables, multitudes of violently red lips, powdered cheeks, cold, hard eyes, self-possessed arrogant faces, and insolent bosoms. (A. B. 6. Dinah, a slim, fresh, pale eighteen, was pliant and yet fragile. (?. ?. ) 7. The man looked a rather old forty-five, for he was already going grey. (K. P. ) 8. The delicatessen owner was a spry and jolly fifty. (T. R. ) 9. It was easier to ass ume a character without having to tell too many lies and you brought a fresh eye and mind to the job. (P. ) 10. Some remarkable pictures in this room, gentlemen. A Holbein, two Van Dycks and if I am not mistaken, a Velasquez. I am interested in pictures. (Ch. ) 11. You have nobody to blame but yourself. The saddest words of tongue or pen. (I. Sh. ) 12. For several days he took an hour after his work to make inquiry taking with him some examples of his pen and inks. (Dr. ) 13. There you are at your tricks again. The rest of them do earn their bread; you live on my charity. (E. Br. ) 14. I crossed a high toll bridge and negotiated a no mans land and came to the place where the Stars and Stripes stood shoulder to shoulder with the Union Jack. (J. St. ) 15. The praise was enthusiastic enough to have delighted any common writer who earns his living by his pen. S. M. ) 16. He made his way through the perfume and conversation. (I. Sh. ) 17. His mind was alert and people asked him to dinner not for old times sake, but because he was worth his salt. (S. M. ) 18. Up the Square, from the corner of King Street, passed a woman in a new bonnet with pink strings, and a new blue dress that sloped at the shoulders and grew to a vast circumference at the hem. Through the silent sunlit solitude of the Square this bonnet and this dress floated northwards in search of romance. (A. B. ) 19. Two men in uniforms were running heavily to the Administration building. As they ran, Christian saw them throw away their rifles. They were portly men who looked like advertisements for Munich beer, and running came hard to them. The first prisoner stopped and picked up one of the discarded rifles. He did not fire it, but carried it, as he chased the guards. He swung the rifle like a club, and one of the beer advertisements went down (I. Sh. ) Litotes is a two-component structure in which two negations are joined to give a positive evaluation. Thus not unkindly actually means kindly, though the positive effect is weakened and some lack of the speakers confidence in his statement is implied. The first component of a litotes is always the negative particle not, while the second, always negative in semantics, varies in form from a negatively affixed word (as above) to a negative phrase. Litotes is especially expressive when the semantic centre of the whole structure is stylistically or/and emotionally coloured, as in the case of the following occasional creations: Her face was not unhandsome  (A. H. ) or Her face was not unpretty. K. K. ) The function of litotes has much in common with that of understatement both weaken the effect of the utterance. The uniqueness of litotes lies in its specific double negative structure and in its weakening only the positive evaluation. The Russian term corresponds only to the English understatement as it has no structural or semantic limitations. Exercise IV. Analyse the structure, the semantics and the functions oflitotes: 1. To be a good actress, she must always work for the truth in what shes playing, the man said in a voice not empty of self-love. N. M. ) 2. Yeah, what the hell, Anne said and looking at me, gave that not unsour smile. (R. W. ) 3. It was not unnatural if Gilbert felt a certain embarrassment. (E. W. ) 4. The idea was not totally erroneous. The thought did not displease me. (I. M. ) 5. I was quiet, but not uncommunicative; reserved, but not reclusive; energetic at times, but seldom enthusiastic. (Jn. B. ) 6. He had all the confidence in the world, and not without reason. (J. OH. ) 7. Kirsten said not without dignity: Too much talking is unwise. (Ch. ) 8. No, Ive had a profession and then a firm to cherish, said Ravenstreet, not without bitterness. (P. ) 9. I felt I wouldnt say no to a cup of tea. (K. M. ) 10. I wouldnt say no to going to the movies. (E. W. ) 11. I dont think youve been too miserable, my dear. (P. ) 12. Still two weeks of succes s is definitely not nothing and phone calls were coming in from agents for a week. (Ph. R. ) ASSIGNMENTS FOR SELF-CONTROL 1. What is a litotes? 2. What is there in common between litotes and understatement? 3. Describe most frequently used structures of litotes. Periphrasis is a very peculiar stylistic device which basically consists of using a roundabout form of expression instead of a simpler one, i. e. of using a more or less complicated syntactical structure instead of a word. Depending on the mechanism of this substitution, periphrases are classified into figurative (metonymic and metaphoric), and logical. The first group is made, in fact, of phrase-metonymies and phrase-metaphors, as you may well see from the following example: The hospital was crowded with the surgically interesting products of the fighting in Africa (I. Sh. ) where the extended metonymy stands for the wounded. Logical periphrases are phrases synonymic with the words which were substituted by periphrases: Mr. Du Pont was dressed in the conventional disguise with which Brooks Brothers cover the shame of American millionaires. (M. St. ) The conventional disguise stands here for the suit and the shame of American millionaires - for the paunch (the belly). Because the direct nomination of the not too elegant feature of appearance was substituted by a roundabout description this periphrasis may be also considered euphemistic, as it offers a more polite qualification instead of a coarser one. The main function of periphrases is to convey a purely individual perception of the described object. To achieve it the generally accepted nomination of the object is replaced by the description of one of its features or qualities, which seems to the author most important for the characteristic of the object, and which thus becomes foregrounded. The often repeated periphrases become trite and serve as universally accepted periphrastic synonyms: the gentle / soft / weak sex (women); my better half (my spouse); minions of Law (police), etc. Exercise V. Analyse the given periphrases from the viewpoint of their semantic type, structure, function and originality: 1. Gargantuan soldier named Dahoud picked Ploy by the head and scrutinized this convulsion of dungarees and despair whose feet thrashed a yard above the deck. (Th. P. ) 2. His face was red, the back of his neck overflowed his collar and there had recently been published a second edition of his chin. (P. G. W. ) 3. His huge leather chairs were kind to the femurs. (R. W. ) 4. But Pickwick, gentlemen, Pickwick, this ruthless destroyer of . this domestic oasis in the desert of Goswell street! (D. ) 5. He would make some money and then he would come back and marry his dream from Blackwood. (Dr. ) 6. The villages were full of women who did nothing but fight against dirt and hunger and repair the effects of friction on clothes. (A. B. ) 7. The habit of saluting the dawn with a bend of the elbow was a hangover from college fraternity days. (Jn. B. ) 8. I took my obedient feet away fr om him. (W. G. ) 9. I got away on my hot adolescent feet as quickly as I could. (W. G. ) 10. I am thinking an unmentionable thing about your mother. (I. Sh. ) 11. Jean nodded without turning and slid between two vermilion-coloured buses so that two drivers simultaneously used the same qualitative word. (G. ) 12. During the previous winter I had become rather seriously ill with one of those carefully named difficulties which are the whispers of approaching age. (J. St. ) 13. A child had appeared among the palms, about a hundred yards along the beach. He was a boy of perhaps six years, sturdy and fair, his clothes torn, his face covered with a sticky mess of fruit. His trousers had been lowered for an obvious purpose and had only een pulled back half-way. (W. G. ) 14. When I saw him again, there were silver dollars weighting down his eyes. (T. C. ) 15. She was still fat after childbirth; the destroyer of her figure sat at the head of the table. (A. B. ) 16. I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. (Sc. F. ) 17. Did you see anything in Mr. Pickwicks manner and conduct towards the opposite sex to induce you to beli eve all this? (D. ) 18. Bill went with him and they returned with a tray of glasses, siphons and other necessaries of life. (Ch. ) 19. It was the American, whom later we were to learn to know and love as the Gin Bottle King, because of a great feast of arms performed at an early hour in the morning with a container of Mr. Gordons celebrated product as his sole weapon. (H. ) 20. Jane set her bathing-suited self to washing the lunch dishes. (Jn. B. ) 21. Naturally, I jumped out of the tub, and before I had thought twice, ran out into the living room in my birthday suit. (?. ?. ) 22. For a single instant, Birch was helpless, his blood curdling in his veins at the imminence of the danger, and his legs refusing their natural and necessary office. T. C. ) 23. The apes gathered around him and he wilted under the scrutiny of the eyes of his little cousins twice removed. (An. C. ) Hyperbole a stylistic device in which emphasis is achieved through deliberate exaggeration, like epithet, relies on the foregrounding of the emotive meaning. The feelings and emotions of the speaker are so raffled that he resorts in his speech to intensifying the quantitative or the qualitative aspect of the mentioned object. E. g. : In his famous poem To His Coy Mistress Andrew Marvell writes about love: My vegetable love should grow faster than empires. Hyperbole is one of the most common expressive means of our everyday speech. When we describe our admiration or anger and say I would gladly see this film a hundred times, or I have told it to you a thousand times we use trite language hyperboles which, through long and repeated use, have lost their originality and remained signals of the speakers roused emotions. Hyperbole may be the final effect of another SD metaphor, simile, irony, as we have in the cases He has the tread of a rhinoceros or The man was like the Rock of Gibraltar. Hyperbole can be expressed by all notional parts of speech. There are words though, which are used in this SD more often than others. They are such pronouns as all, every, everybody and the like. Cf. : Calpurnia was all angles and bones (H. L. ); also numerical nouns (a million, a thousand), as was shown above; and adverbs of time (ever, never). The outstanding Russian philologist A. Peshkovsky once stressed the importance of both communicants clearly perceiving that the exaggeration, used by one of them is intended as such and serves not to denote actual quality or quantity but signals the emotional background of the utterance. If this reciprocal understanding of the intentional nature of the overstatement is absent, hyperbole turns into a mere lie, he said. Hyperbole is aimed at exaggerating quantity or quality. When it is directed the opposite way, when the size, shape, dimensions, characteristic features of the object are hot overrated, but intentionally underrated, we deal with understatement. The mechanism of its creation and functioning is identical with that of hyperbole, and it does not signify the actual state of affairs in reality, but presents the latter through the emotionally coloured perception and rendering of the speaker. It is not the actual diminishing or growing of the object that is conveyed by a hyperbole or understatement. It is a transient subjective impression that finds its realization in these SDs. They differ only in the direction of the flow of roused emotions. English is well known for its preference for understatement in everyday speech I am rather annoyed instead of Im infuriated, The wind is rather strong instead of Theres a gale blowing outside are typical of British polite speech, but are less characteristic of American English. Some hyperboles and understatements (both used individually and as the final effect of some other SD) have become fixed, as we have in Snow White, or Liliput, or Gargantua. Trite hyperboles and understatements, reflecting their use in everyday speech, in creative writing are observed mainly in dialogue, while the authors speech provides us with examples of original SDs, often rather extended or demanding a considerable fragment of the text to be fully understood. Exercise VII. In the following examples concentrate on cases of hyperbole and understatement. Pay attention to their originality or stateness, to other SDs promoting their effect, to exact words containing the foregrounded emotive meaning: 1. I was scared to death when he entered the room. (S. ) 2. The girls were dressed to kill. (J. Br. ) 3. Newspapers are the organs of individual men who have jockeyed themselves to be party leaders, in countries where a new party is born every hour over a glass of beer in the nearest cafe. (J. R. ) 4. I was violently sympathetic, as usual. (Jn. B. ) 5. Four loudspeakers attached to the flagpole emitted a shattering roar of what Benjamin could hardly call music, as if it were played by a collection of brass bands, a few hundred fire engines, a thousand blacksmiths hammers and the amplified reproduction of a force-twelve wind. (A. S. ) 6. The car which picked me up on that particular guilty evening was a Cadillac limousine about seventy-three blocks long. (J. B. ) 7. Her family is one aunt about a thousand years old. (Sc. F. ) 8. He didnt appear like the same man; then he was all milk and honey now he was all starch and vinegar. (D. ) 9. She was a giant of a woman. Her bulging figure was encased in a green crepe dress and her feet overflowed in red shoes. She carried a mammoth red pocketbook that bulged throughout as if it were stuffed with rocks. (Fl. OC. ) 10. She was very much upset by the catastrophe that had befallen the Bishops, but it was exciting, and she was tickled to death to have someone fresh to whom she could tell all about it. (S. M. ) 11. Babbitts preparations for leaving the office to its feeble self during the hour and a half of his lunch-period were somewhat less elaborate than the plans for a general European War. S. M. ) 12. The little woman, for she was of pocket size, crossed her hands solemnly on her middle. (G. ) 13. We danced on the handkerchief-big space between the speakeasy tables. (R. W. ) 14. She wore a pink hat, the size of a button. (J. R. ) 15. She was a sparrow of a woman. (Ph. L. ) 16. And if either of us should lean toward the other, even a fraction of an inch, the balance would b e upset. (O. W. ) 17. He smiled back, breathing a memory of gin at me. (W. G. ) 18. About a very small man in he Navy: this new sailor stood five feet nothing in sea boots. (Th. P. ) 19. She busted herself in her midget kitchen. (T. C. ) 20. The rain had thickened, fish could have swum through the air. (T. C. ) Oxymoron is a stylistic device the syntactic and semantic structures of which come to clashes. In Shakespearian definitions of love, much quoted from his Romeo and Juliet, perfectly correct syntactically, attributive combinations present a strong semantic discrepancy between their members. Cf. : O brawling love! ? loving hate! heavy lightness! Serious vanity! Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! As is clearly seen from this string of oxymorons, each one of them is a combination of two semantically contradictory notions, that help to emphasize contradictory qualities simultaneously existing in the described phenomenon as a dialectical unity. As a rule, one o f the two members of oxymoron illuminates the feature which is universally observed and acknowledged while the other one offers a purely subjective, individual perception of the object. Thus in an oxymoron we also deal with the foregrounding of emotive meaning, only of a different type than the one observed in previously discussed SDs. The most widely known structure of oxymoron is attributive, so it is easy to believe that the subjective part of the oxymoron is embodied in the attribute-epithet, especially because the latter also proceeds from the foregrounding of the emotive meaning. But there are also others, in which verbs are employed. Such verbal structures as to shout mutely (I. Sh. ) or to cry silently (M. W. seem to strengthen the idea, which leads to the conclusion that oxymoron is a specific type of epithet. But the peculiarity of an oxymoron lies in the fact that the speakers (writers) subjective view can be expressed through either of the members of the word combination. Originality and specificity of oxymoron becomes especially evident in non-attributive structures which also, not infrequently, are used to express semantic contradiction, as in the stre e damaged by improvements (O. H. ) or silence was louder than thunder (U. ). Oxymorons rarely become trite, for their components, linked forcibly, repulse each other and oppose repeated use. There are few colloquial oxymorons, all of them showing a high degree of the speakers emotional involvement in the situation, as in damn nice, awfully pretty. Exercise VIII. In the following sentences pay attention to the structure and semantics of oxymorons. Also indicate which of their members conveys the individually viewed feature of the object and which one reflects its generally accepted characteristic: 1. He caught a ride home to the crowded loneliness of the barracks. J. ) 2. Sprinting towards the elevator he felt amazed at his own cowardly courage. (G. M. ) 3. They were a bloody miserable lot the miserablest lot of men I ever saw. But they were good to me. Bloody good. (J. St. ) 4. He behaved pretty busily to Jan. (D. C. ) 5. Well might he perceive the hanging of her hair in fairest quantity in locks, some curled and some as if it were forgotten, with such a car eless care and an art so hiding art that it seemed she would lay them for a pattern. (Ph. S. ) 6. There were some bookcases of superbly unreadable books. (E. W. 7. Absorbed as we were in the pleasures of travel and I in my modest pride at being the only examinee to cause a commotion we were over the old Bridge. (W. G. ) 8. Heaven must be the hell of a place. Nothing but repentant sinners up there, isnt it? (Sh. D. ) 9. Harriet turned back across the dim garden. The lightless light looked down from the night sky. (I. M. ) 10. Sara was a menace and a tonic, my best enemy; Rozzie was a disease, my worst friend. (J. Car. ) 11. It was an open secret that Ray had been ripping his father-in-law off. (D. U. ) 12. A neon sign reads Welcome to Reno the biggest little town in the world. (A. M. ) 13. Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield are Good Bad Boys of American literature. (V. ) 14. Havent we here the young middle-aged woman who cannot quite compete with the paid models in the fashion magazine but who yet catches our eye? (Jn. H. ) 15. Their bitter-sweet union did not last long. (A. C. ) 16. He was sure the whites could detect his adoring hatred of them. (Wr. ) 17. You have got two beautiful bad examples for parents. (Sc. F. ) 18. He opened up a wooden garage. The doors creaked. The garage was full of nothing. (R. Ch. ) 19. She was a damned nice woman, too. (H. ) 20. A very likeable young man with a pleasantly ugly face. (A. C. ) In all previously discussed lexical SDs we dealt with various transformations of the logical (denotational) meaning of words, which participated in the creation of metaphors, metonymies, puns, zeugmas, etc. Each of the SDs added expressiveness and originality to the nomination of the object. Evaluation of the named concept was often present too, but it was an optional characteristic, not inherent in any of these SDs. Their subjectivity relies on the new and fresh look at the object mentioned, which shows the latter from a new and unexpected side. In irony, which is our next item of consideration, subjectivity lies in the evaluation of the phenomenon named. The essence of this SD consists in the foregrounding not of the logical but of the evaluative meaning. The context is arranged so that the qualifying word in irony reverses the direction of the evaluation, and the word positively charged is understood as a negative qualification and (much-much rarer) vice versa. Irony thus is a stylistic device in which the contextual evaluative meaning of a word is directly opposite to its dictionary meaning, So, like all other SDs, irony does not exist outside the context, which varies from the minimal a word combination, as in J. Steinbecks She turned with the sweet smile of an alligator, to the context of a whole book, as in Ch: Dickens, where one of the remarks of Mr. Micawber, known for his complex, highly bookish and elaborate style of speaking about the most trivial things, is introduced by the authors words Mr. Micawber said in his usual plain manner. In both examples the words sweet and plain reverse their positive meaning into the negative one due to the context, micro- in the first, macro- in the second case. In the stylistic device of irony it is always possible to indicate the exact word whose contextual meaning diametrically opposes its dictionary meaning. This is why this type of irony is called verbal irony. There are very many cases, though, which we regard as irony, intuitively feeling the reversal of the evaluation, but unable to put our finger on the exact word in whose meaning we can trace the contradiction between the said and the implied. The effect of irony in such cases is created by a number of statements, by the whole of the text. This type of irony is called sustained, and it is formed by the contradiction of the speakers (writers) considerations and the generally accepted moral and ethical codes. Many examples of sustained irony are supplied by D. Defoe, J. Swift or by such XX-ieth c. writers as S. Lewis, K. Vonnegut, E. Waugh and others. Exercise IV. In the following excerpts you will find mainly examples of verbal irony. Explain what conditions made the realization of the opposite evaluation possible. Pay attention to the part of speech which is used in irony, also its syntactical function: 1. The book was entitled Murder at Milbury Manor and was a whodunit of the more abstruse type, in which everything turns on whether a certain character, by catching the three-forty-three train at Hilbury and changing into the four-sixteen at Milbury, could have reached Silbury by five-twenty-seven, which would have given him just time to disguise himself and be sticking knives into people at Bilbury by six-thirty-eight. (P. G. W. ) 2. When the, war broke out she took down the signed photograph of the Kaiser and, with some solemnity, hung it in the men-servants lavatory; it was her one combative action. (E. W. ) 3. I had a plot, a scheme, a little quiet piece of enjoyment afoot, of which the very cream and essence was that this old man and grandchild should be as poor as frozen rats, and Mr. Brass revealed the whole story, making himself out to be rather a saintlike holy character. (D. ) 4. The lift held two people and rose slowly, groaning with diffidence. (I. M. ) 5. England has been in a dreadful state for some weeks. Lord Coodle would go out. Sir Thomas Doodle wouldnt come in, and there being nobody in Great Britain (to speak of) except Coodle and Doodle, there has been no Government (D. ) 6. From her earliest infancy Gertrude was brought up by her aunt. Her aunt had carefully instructed her to Christian principles. She had also taught her Mohammedanism, to make sure. (L. ) 7. Shes a charming middle-aged lady with a face like a bucket of mud and if she has washed her hair since Coolidges second term, Ill eat my spare tire, rim and all. R. Ch. ) 8. With all the expressiveness of a stone Welsh stared at him another twenty seconds apparently hoping to see him gag. (R. Ch. ) 9. Well. Its shaping up into a lovely evening, isnt it? Great, he said. And if I may say so, youre doing everything to make it harder, you little sweet. (D. P. ) 10. Mr. Vholes is a very respectable man. He has not a large business, but he is a very respectable man. He is all owed, by the greater attorneys to be a most respectable man. He never misses a chance in his practice which is a mark of respectability, he never takes any pleasure, which is another mark of respectability, he is reserved and serious which is another mark of respectability. His digestion is impaired which is highly respectable. (D. ) 11. Several months ago a magazine named Playboy which concentrates editorially on girls, books, girls, art, girls, music, fashion, girls and girls, published an article about old-time science-fiction. (M. St. ) 12. Apart from splits based on politics, racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds and specific personality differences, were just one cohesive team. (D. U. ) 13. A local busybody, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, asked an expectant mother point-blank whether she was going to have a baby. Oh, goodness, no, the young woman said pleasantly. Im just carrying this for a friend. (P. G. W. ) 14. Sonny Grosso was a worrier who looked for and frequently managed to find, the dark side of most situations. (P. M. ) 15. Bookcases covering one wall boasted a half-shelf of literature. T. C. ) 16. I had been admitted as a partner in the firm of Andrews and Bishop, and throughout 1927 and 19281 enriched myself and the firm at the rate of perhaps forty dollars a month. (Jn. B. ) 17. Last time it was a nice, simple, European-style war. (I. Sh. ) 18. He could walk and run, was full of exact knowledge about God, and entertained no doubt concerning the special partiality of a minor deity called Je sus towards himself. (A. B. ) 19. But every Englishman is born with a certain miraculous power that makes him master of the world. As the great champion of freedom and nationalindependence he conquers and annexes half the world and calls it Colonization. (B. Sh. ) 20. All this blood and fire business tonight was probably part of the graft to get the Socialists chucked out and leave honest businessmen safe to make their fortunes out of murder. (L. Ch) 21. He spent two years in prison, making a number of valuable contacts among other upstanding embezzlers, frauds and confidence men whilst inside. (An. C. ) Antithesis is a good example of them: syntactically, antithesis is just another case of parallel constructions. But unlike parallelism, which is indifferent to the semantics of its components, the two parts of an antithesis must be semantically opposite to each other, as in the sad maxim of O. Wilde: Some people have much to live on, and little to live for, where much and little present a pair of antonyms, supported by the contextual opposition of postpositions on and for. Another example: If we dont know who gains by his death we do know who loses by it. (Ch. ) Here, too, we have the leading antonymous pair gam lose and the supporting one, made stronger by the emphatic form of the affirmative construction dont know / do know. Antithesis as a semantic opposition emphasized by its realization in similar structures, is often observed on lower levels of language hierarchy, especially on the morphemic level where two antonymous affixes create a powerful effect of contrast: Their pre-money wives did not go together with their post-money daughters.   (H. ) The main function of antithesis is to stress the heterogeneity of the described phenomenon, to show that the latter is a dialectical unity of two (or more) opposing features. Exercise I. Discuss the semantic centres and structural peculiarities of antithesis: 1. Mrs. Nork had a large home and a small husband. (S. L. ) 2. In marriage the upkeep of woman is often the downfall of man. (Ev. ) 3. Dont use big words. They mean so little. (O. W. ) 4. I like big parties. Theyre so intimate. At small parties there isnt any privacy. (Sc. F. ) 5. There is Mr. Guppy, who was at first as open as the sun at noon, but who suddenly shut up as close as midnight. (D. ) 6. Such a scene as there was when Kit came in! Such a confusion of tongues, before the circumstances were related and the proofs disclosed! Such a dead silence when all was told! (D. ) 7. Rup wished he could be swift, accurate, compassionate and stern instead of clumsy and vague and sentimental. (I. M. ) 8. His coat-sleeves being a great deal too long, and his trousers a great deal too short, he appeared ill at ease in his clothes. (D. ) 9. There was something eery about the apartment house, an unearthly quiet that was a combination of overcarpeting and underoccupancy. (H. St. ) 10. It is safer to be married to the man you can be happy with than to the man you cannot be happy without. (E. ) 11. Then came running down stairs a gentleman with whiskers, out of breath. (D. 12. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way in short the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. D. ) 13. Cannery Row in Monterey in California is a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream. Cannery Row is the gathered and scattered, tin and iron, and rust and splintered wood, chipped pavement and weedy lots and junk heaps, sardine canneries of corrugated iron, honky tonks, restaurants and whore houses and little crowded groceries and laboratories and flophouses. Its inhabitants are, as the man once said Whores, pimps, gamblers and sons of bitches, by which he meant Everybody. Had the man looked through another peephole he might have said Saints and angels and martyrs and holy men and he would have meant the same thing. (J. St. )

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Does the United States Government invest too much money in national Research Paper

Does the United States Government invest too much money in national security - Research Paper Example The US was also said to have provided the Transitional Federal Government with small arms and munitions and paid for some of their training in 2009, although US forces have not been involved directly in training troops. US assistance has been coursed through the Department of State and about US$40,000 has been allocated for Somalia in 2010 through the International Military Education Training (IMET) program. Others were enumerated as funds for Non-proliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programmes - Humanitarian Demining with $1.4 million in 2001, $1.2 million in 2002 and $450,000 in 2003 (Jane's Information Group). In 2008, about $754,000 has been allocated and $2 million was requested for 2010. The budget and concern for Somalia emerged from the star of the civil war in Somalia when lack of strong leadership led for many Somali to join pirates. The lack of formal Somali defense also provided threat to Somali territories making them susceptible to trawlers. The funding provided by the US and other Western countries to Somalia and other African nations are used to maintain state stability, sustain and improve international relations, battle organized crimes, proliferation and procurement of security devices and to counter terrorism and insurgency in the region and the locality The aids provided for Somalia include infrastructure to address a 24/7 aerial relocation and medical evacuation capability within Somalia and improve security in order to sustain the United Nations operation and security of the environment

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Influence of Social Media on Organizations Essay - 16

The Influence of Social Media on Organizations - Essay Example Social media has significantly assisted in the marketing of most organization since there is wide access by many people in different parts of the world. The drawbacks can be handled in a way that they do not hinder certain media, first the organizations need to come up with techniques which ensure that sensitive information regarding the organization is not leaked through social media, the administrators should maintain interest and motivation. Â   Social media sites should be free, neutral and unbiased to any group of people. Most of the information that should be censured is any information that is unethical or attempts to ruin the organization reputation. Some of the information I would avoid making part of my social media strategy include, hate speech, racial discrimination, false information, or any other information that is not socially acceptable. Email and blogs are among the most useful social media sources to send communications to customers and stakeholders, different social media like Facebook accounts, twitter, and LinkedIn are more suitable for employees. This media source enables the organization to be accessible by many people from different parts of the world. The social media are extremely efficient since the stakeholders, management, and personnel can discuss a matter online. People can interact with the organization from all corners of the world. With time meetings in organizations may be organized through social media. Technology is changing exceptionally fast, and new ideas are born every day and night. There is a lot in the store since there are many developments in the field of information technology. Social media is going to take over as the most reliable mode of communication. The security features in the social media are going to be increased, and this will invite more people.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Individual Strengths and Group Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual Strengths and Group Process - Essay Example I give a brief description of these techniques as well as the learning’s and improvements that I can get from the same. 1) I have worked as a part of a team of 14 people that was involved in supporting a financial software application in a Fortune 100 company. We are a team that has people from diverse ethnic backgrounds and comprising men and women in almost equal proportions. The team has the responsibility of maintaining a pension funds application and fixing any bugs and issues that are reported from time to time. 2) I lead the maintenance and support team and my experience in people management and leadership abilities are the skills that I bring to the group setting. They have benefited the group in resolving the issues that are associated with team management and group dynamics. The ability to motivate the team and lead from the front by setting an example is one of the key skills that I have brought to the team and this has helped me immensely. I believe that the team has also benefited by my managerial style. 3) I have a tendency to trust my gut feelings more than group consensus. While gut feelings are an asset when taking decisions that involve me, when it comes to taking decisions that involve the group, I believe that the view points of the group must be taken into consideration. The other drawback is that I should listen more and then act. I have a tendency to act impulsively without listening to the other person or the group’s point of view and this has been described as one of my weaknesses by my supervisor. 4) The other members of the group bring their unique and individual view points to the group that brings in the much needed perspective and other side of the debate stance to the issues faced by the group. Because of this, it is easier to balance the both sides and take a measured stance at solving the problems of the group. Further, because of the ethnic mix of the group, there are some added view points to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Economic Scarcity and Finite Resources

Economic Scarcity and Finite Resources Introduction As the technology boom continues to strive throughout the 20th and 21st century, industries are forced to produce products for the increase in demand. By doing so, manufacturers are blindly meeting these demands while negatively affecting our environment, specifically pollution. In order to produce the materials and components required for modern day technology, industries must manipulate factories that produced billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide and other green-house gases that contribute to pollution and overall global warming. Especially, with the recent increase of environmentalists and other concerned consumers, economic activities such as manufacturing must be conducted without leaving a substantial impact on our surrounding environment. The reason being, economists are beginning to discover the correlation between the success of a business and how they treat their environment. If a business promotes and begins to take part in environmentally friendly practices, the business will attract a larger margin of consumers. Therefore, as a businessman and global citizen it is important for us to buy environmentally friendly products from manufacturers that produce limited pollution. Relation to Scarcity Economic scarcity can be summarized as the situation where businesses don’t have enough resources to produce and fulfil the demand for certain products. In relation to pollution, natural resources such as water and agriculture are becoming scarce and affecting businesses. Johnson, Kevin. What Is Scarcity in Economics?. eHow. Demand Media, 12 July 2009. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Water Resource With factories continuing to produce materials, the pollution created greatly affects the quality of fresh water resources through acid rain and dumping. Environmental Indicators. Government of Canada, Environment Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>. For instance, the world’s fresh water supply available to the human population is only 3%. With pollution affecting bodies of fresh water such as the great lakes of Ontario, this small percentage shall continue to decrease while the amount of people suffering from inadequate water increases. As of today, 1.1 billion people are suffering from water shortages and this is predicted to rise. For example, in 2025 approximately two thirds of the global population and numerous ecosystems could possibly suffer from water shortages. World Wildlife. World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>. Agricultural Resource Alongside the shortage of fresh water, plants and other agricultural sources are being affected by the increase pollution. The reason being, the green-house gases emitted from factories and other human activities are increasing the ozone levels of our planet. A surplus of ozone results in the destruction of crops, plants and trees which results in economic losses in the agriculture and forestry industry. It is estimated that the increase of ozone costs Canadian farmers millions of dollars in lost production annually. EPA. The Effects: Economy. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Opportunity Cost In society both consumers and manufacturers are faced with the economic problem of having infinite wants but with inadequate resources. Therefore, we are forced to make important yet difficult choices about how to distribute these limited resources. This economic problem is called opportunity cost, where making a certain choice prevents you obtaining an alternative goal or item. In regards to pollution, manufactures have to choose one of the following situations: Pollute the environment in order to produce goods and satisfy the demand for a cheaper cost, however they must pay the carbon tax. Avoid polluting the environment by spending more money in order to produce goods and satisfy the demand while avoiding the carbon tax. The carbon tax, is enforced by the federal government to charge manufacturers for each tonne of green-house gases (including carbon) they emit. The goal is to ultimately reduce green-house gas emissions by pressuring businesses to go eco-friendly. What is a Carbon Tax?. Province of British Columbia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Consumers also face a similar ideal where they either: Purchase the environmentally friendly product at a higher cost. Purchase the non-environmentally friendly product at a lower cost but carry the burden of supporting a company that produces excess pollution. The ideal situation would be that companies would produce their products while reducing the pollution they create and consumers would purchase these environmentally friendly products. However, this would result in manufacturers spending more money to insure they are considered green, in order to compensate for the additional spending they could lay-off a portion of their employees. Also, more money would be coming out of the consumer’s product to buy the eco-friendly product. In the end the perfect scenario is impossible to reach; which is the basis of the idea of opportunity cost. Stakeholders Stakeholders are defined as a party or individual who show interest or withhold a connection with a certain issue or organization. Stakeholder Definition | Investopedia. Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. In terms of pollution, the cause of increase in green-house gases is no other than the result of human activity industrialized in the 20th and 21st century, therefore I believe that both consumer and manufacturer are the stakeholders for pollution. The reason being, businesses introduced new advanced technologies every day, resulting in a large demand for these products; for example the automobile. Manufactures then meet these demands and produced automobiles for the population while producing pollution. The automobiles were the daily driven by a large percentage of consumers and this continued to emit green-house gases into our atmosphere and created pollution. Economic System Similar to the United States, Canada has adapted a market-oriented economic system that combines private enterprise with government regulation. Economy Watch Follow The Money. Canada Economic Structure. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. In other words, a market economy is where businesses meet the product demands and price of the consumers with little government intervention. Market Economy Definition | Investopedia. Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>. By doing so, Canada’s economy is considered free yet economists argue the effectiveness of a market economy on issues such as pollution. As of today, Canada is ranked 28 on the world air quality index and 6 on the world freedom index. Air Quality Ranking. Yale Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. 2014 Index of Economic Freedom. Index o f Economic Freedom: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity by Country. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Meaning, our country is relatively environmentally friendly with a strong and free market economy. Therefore, according to the statistics I believe that Canada should resume being a market economy because we’re are historically successful and are continuing to improve our nation. On the other hand, if Canada was a command economy, where the government regulates the amount and price of products produced and sold in an economy. Command Economy Definition | Investopedia. Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>. Under the correct leading government party, Canada could potentially be ranked higher on the air quality index but most definitely lower on the world freedom index. If we were to eliminate the amount of pollution we currently produce, that would mean more economic spendin g on behalf of the government, manufacturer and consumer. Resulting in our economy and possibly Canadian dollar value to decrease. Therefore, I believe that a command economy would not be suitable for our nation because it would be unsuccessful and it goes against our beliefs and tradition of being a free and strong nation. Economist Point of View In the recent centuries, there have been many economists who argued which type of economy is better. Each economist had their own ideas and theories on how an economy should be regulated, the most famous economists include David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus. Economists. Education Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. David Ricardo David Ricardo was a British economist who lived from the late 17th century into the early 18th century. Through his lifetime he had various professions relating to the world of economics including a stock broker. From his experience and knowledge he gained from economists before him such as Adam Smith, Ricardo developed his own theories of the perfect economy. His theories were based on his principles of supporting free trade and limited government regulation such as his theory of comparative advantage. If David Ricardo lived to see the Canadian economy in its current condition, it would be an accurate representation of his utopian economy. In regards to the issue with pollution and its effects on the economy, I believe that Ricardo would leave the issue to the manufacturers and consumers. He would trust that as global citizens, we would learn how to prioritize our needs and wants while reducing the amount of pollution being generated by industries. Like Canada’s market econom y, Ricardo would not want the government having a significant impact on the manufacturers, regulating their every action and decision. Therefore, I believe that David Ricardo would resolve the pollution issue by allowing the Canadian consumer and manufacturer to work things with limited government assistance and help from other foreign countries. Economists. Education Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Thomas Malthus Thomas Malthus was another British economist who lived in the 17th and 18th century. He is reminded of his inspiration on Darwin’s theory of evolution and his own theory of limited resources. He believed that one day, the human population would exceed the amount of resources available. In order to avoid this situation, he believed in regulating the amount of offspring. In a sense Thomas Malthus’ theory is correct, in the modern day world with over 7 billion people, we find ourselves running out of limited resources such as oil and forestry. However, Malthus never interpreted the idea of society adjusting to the changing population and resources with the help of technology. For example to compensate for excess pollution, Canada is relying on new energy sources such as hydro and wind. In regards to reduce pollution in Canada, I believe Malthus would regulate the offspring in order to preserve our agriculture and water resources. However, it would not be as effective as Da vid Ricardo’s resolution or what Canada has implemented already. Economists. Education Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Both economists have theories that relate to the current economic situation of Canada and the situation involved with excess pollution. Although if I was to resolve the pollution issue in Canada, I would follow David Ricardo’s theories, which are already the basis of the current Canadian economy. Resolution After researching the theories of previous economist, the causes and effects of pollution on the Canadian economy, I believe we should: Increase the carbon tax to further pressure manufacturers into becoming environmentally friendly and producing excess pollution. Reward consumers that choose to buy eco-friendly products by rewarding them with rebates or decreasing the tax on eco-friendly items. Introduce new programs and organizations to clean our fresh water resources including the great lakes. Continue to fund power generating industries such as hydro, solar and air. Works Cited 2014 Index of Economic Freedom. Index of Economic Freedom: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity by Country. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Air Quality Ranking. Yale Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Command Economy Definition | Investopedia. Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>. EPA. The Effects: Economy. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Economists. Education Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Economy Watch Follow The Money. Canada Economic Structure. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Environmental Indicators. Government of Canada, Environment Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>. Johnson, Kevin. What Is Scarcity in Economics?. eHow. Demand Media, 12 July 2009. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. Market Economy Definition | Investopedia. Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>. Stakeholder Definition | Investopedia. Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. What is a Carbon Tax?. Province of British Columbia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.>. World Wildlife. World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.>.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Money Past and Present. Essay -- History Trade Economics Papers

Money Past and Present. Money as a medium of exchange in barter and trade has always in all times found expression in some form or other from necessity thereof. In the remotest periods, before gold or silver were generally in use, it took the form of animals, oxen, sheep, lambs, shells, etc. Thus we find used cattle in Germany, leather in Rome, sugar in the West Indies, shells in Siam, lead in Burmah, platinum in Russia, tin in Great Britain, iron and nails in Scotland, brass in China, and finally copper, silver and gold the world over. If we look up the sacred writings in quest of the earliest use of money quoted therein, we will find that the Bible mentions gold as a medium of value in the very first book of Moses which according to modern synchronology, would be about 4,000 years before the time of Christ, or almost 6,000 years ago. Namely, Genesis, Chapter II, 10, 11, 12. And a river went out of Eden, and the land of Haviliah, where there is gold and the gold of that land is good. Hence Adam and Eve could have found gold in Haviliah just the same as we do in the Yukon today. Immediately thereafter brass and iron are mentioned, Genesis, Chapter IV, 22. And Zillah she bare Tubal-Cain an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. Tubal-Cain, son of Iamech, a descendant of Cain, apparently was the first man to shape metals into articles of use and probably our very first goldsmith and jeweler. Silver is first mentioned in the Bible in the time of Abram, Genesis, Chapter XIII, 2, Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver and gold. The earliest mention of the word money occurs in Genesis, Chapter XVII, 12, 13, 23, He that is born in the house or bought with money. The first use of earrings and bracelets appears in Genesi... ...uctions are from photographs of the original coins and are fully explained as to their metal, denomination, country, etc., by the description printed with each plate. This, then, is the story of money -- how it came to be -- what it is today. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bressett, K.1991. Collectible American Coins. Publication International, Ltd., Lincolnwood, IL. Genesis, 1971. Ch. II, 10, 11, 13; Ch. XXIV, 22, 30; Ch. IV, 22; Ch. XIII, 2, Ch. VII, 22, in The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version. Teaneck, NJ: Collins/Cokesbury. Mehl, M, 2004. A History Of Money. The Star Rare Coin Encyclopedia and Premium Catalog. The Numismatic Company of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas. Seidler, N., 1965. The Story of Money. Western Publishing Company, INC., USA. Yeoman, R., 2003. A Guide Book of US Coins. Whitman Publishing, LLC., Atlanta, GA.